venerdì 28 dicembre 2012


I sing in a band called ROBERTA & I NEGRONI, one of the coolest project I've ever made!!

The members of this band are 3 dear friends of mine and I can say they are like brothers to me!!

We play 50's and 60's songs and we like dancing and screaming, feelin' what we're doing till the bones!!

I usually hear that MUSIC can save us, can JOIN PEOPLE, I think it's SO TRUE!!

Last summer during a gig my dudes said a girl of the audience lost her father the day before, he suddenly passed away. But she came, with some friends, to spend two liberating hours and try to smile a little bit.

When I sang, I hardly tried not to think about that because I could cry...the fact she was there for us, for our music in such a sad moment, it moved me so much!

Music can give relief, smooth rough edges, can make enemies to become friends, can join body and soul! Music is a kind of Prayer!

giovedì 20 dicembre 2012


For those who don't believe in God
For those who do, but with a certain kind of doubt
For those who do, but dont' believe in Religions
For those who do, but don't believe in Clergy
For those who do, but don't believe in Priests and Nuns
For those who do and believe we are only Bros and Sisters
For those who do, but call God with different names such as Light, Energy, Power, Union, Love, ...

I suggest you to meet Don Andrea Gallo and his story, read his books, cry and laugh with him.

If you ask him WHO IS GOD?  He replies GOD...IS A GOOD NEWS!

martedì 18 dicembre 2012


Italy wrote its Fundamental Principles, the so-called COSTITUZIONE, at the end of 1947.

I'm proud to be niece and granddaughter of uncles and grandparents who lived a terrible page of the Human History and survived, excepting one.

My uncles were partisans (Borgo Taro, Parma) and another one was in the Italian Army, imprisoned by Germans in a prison camp and died in Lipsia.

I think our Fundamental Principles are Sacred, in the name of Love, in the name of our Past and those who passed away and in the name of our Future!

« Se voi volete andare in pellegrinaggio nel luogo dove è nata la nostra Costituzione, andate nelle montagne dove caddero i partigiani, nelle carceri dove furono imprigionati, nei campi dove furono impiccati. Dovunque è morto un Italiano per riscattare la libertà e la dignità, andate lì, o giovani, col pensiero, perché lì è nata la nostra Costituzione. »
(Piero Calamandrei, Discorso ai giovani tenuto alla Società Umanitaria, Milano, 26 gennaio 1955[1])

This is my favourite Principle, the third...the perfect number!

Art. 3

Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali.

È compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli di ordine economico e sociale, che, limitando di fatto la libertà e l'eguaglianza dei cittadini, impediscono il pieno sviluppo della persona umana e l'effettiva partecipazione di tutti i lavoratori all'organizzazione politica, economica e sociale del Paese.

All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.

It is the duty of the Republic to remove those obstacles of an economic or social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, thereby impeding the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organisation of the Country.


mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012


We all...

...the same...



Wej.ji is a Chinese ideogram and means Crisis.

Wej.ji is composed by two words, Danger and Opportunity...and it's true (as well as amazing): these are the two main ingredients of all the critical moments everyone can face in life. It's up to you, then, to be a real able cook and exploit these elements in order to bring out the light or the darkness.

This is the best way I can find to introduce two dear friends of mine, Anna and Nico, who manage a super-duper shop in Verona, called FOLKS!
When I think and talk about FOLKS I only see their cheerful personalities, which joined together and gave birth to this concept shop during a hard period in terms of Verona (!!!), one of the most anti-receptive-attitude places all over the world!

Anna and Nico's hard good will and belief, enabled FOLKS to become a huge retail corner in the city!!

What's more (and most important to me): they are NOT ONLY two lovely friends or a sweet couple BUT are a close and great example of how things can be great if you allow the best side of the crisis to emerge!

You're all invited to enter and...feel like home!

mercoledì 5 dicembre 2012


It was my 34th birthday last Monday!!

I had a lovely day with my love and I received lots of messages but every birthday is the occasion for me to remember a dear friend of mine too, who passed away when she was 24.

It was a cold November afternoon when she decided to say "the end".

She was such a nice person, sweet and funny. And was always there for me.

When we met we were 7 and we were schoolmates. That was a new school for me after moving from Brescia to a small town near Verona. She was the first little girl who came to me and said "Hi, welcome"!

She had several physical problems but she was fine in terms of mind, even if she needed a learning support teacher.

We used to spend our time together, both at lesson and recreation: I loved taking care of her and she loved taking care of me.

That year my mother organized a party for my first birthday in that town and I invited all my schoolmates, including her. It was a natural and obvious gesture to me...but years after, her mother confessed that I was the first one who invited her daughter to a party.

I remember she gave me the best present I had that day: a beautiful Hawaiian Barbie!!

When we grew up we changed school, but met again several years after, when we were 16.

In the meantime she became a good girl, but had a sort of torment inside.

She was unsatisfied, even if she masked her state of mind with a smile and funny things to say.

She probably fell in love with someone who did not return...or realized she was not in love with her-self enough.

The world around her was going on and she didn't find her way.

We used to call each other on the phone, just one ring: it was a sort of "Hello, I'm thinking of you".

That afternoon, when I received the terrible news, I cried so much and I was angry too!!

I was not able to stop thinking about how things could be different if only I gave her a buzz as we used to and distract her from all those terrible intentions!!

But I didn't.

Every birthday is the occasion for me to think about my friend Manuela, who was always there for me, who was invited to my 8th birthday and it was a special moment for her because it was her first party.

Every birthday is the occasion for me to remember about Manuela's mother who told me she understood if her daughter was on the phone with me on the basis of her laughs, because I made her happy.

Every birthday is the occasion for me to think about all the nice moments we had together!

R.I.P. my friend and stay close to me!