There's a person I met in my life who's extremely angry with me and I don't know why.
This person is a lady. And, as I'm a lady too, I'm sorry to say and admit that this could be a sufficient explanation.
This person is maybe the most jalous and envious girl I've ever met in my life.
She wouldn't deserve even a small space on my blog but I'm spending my time to talk about her because I think she's the perfect example of how you are YOUR REAL LIMIT.
There's no fence higher that your soul, there's no sky above your head but your envy, there's no enemy but your face reflected in the mirror...
If only these people could be able to laugh and were open to the beauty, they would find out that life is ironic, beautiful and them-selves too!!
"Una cosa buona non ci
piace, se non ne siamo all'altezza"
(We don't like a good thing if we don't keep up with)
by Friedrich Nietzsche
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