martedì 31 dicembre 2013
martedì 17 dicembre 2013
lunedì 9 dicembre 2013
venerdì 6 dicembre 2013
The ROLLING STONES 1969-2013
My lovely husband took me to the cinema yesterday night. It was a sweet surprise for my birthday...!! We didn't go there to watch a movie but...the ROLLING STONES concert held at Hyde Park in Summer 2013!
That gig was the first one after the show they had there in 1969!!!
The band is amazing! I must admit: I don't know them very much, I don't know all their records or all the small things a real fan should know...but...I know each song they played, I've heard all of them before! I think this is why we can state they are one of the most amazing and biggest bands in the world!
They transmitted to me lots of energy! It's surprising to see how they enjoy and love what they've been doing and playing after all these years!!
That gig was the first one after the show they had there in 1969!!!
The band is amazing! I must admit: I don't know them very much, I don't know all their records or all the small things a real fan should know...but...I know each song they played, I've heard all of them before! I think this is why we can state they are one of the most amazing and biggest bands in the world!
They transmitted to me lots of energy! It's surprising to see how they enjoy and love what they've been doing and playing after all these years!!
I think that their secret is: THEY STILL NEED IT!!
mercoledì 30 ottobre 2013
venerdì 25 ottobre 2013
Non te ghe struchi mia il limon nei oci a sta mostriela!
Nonna Gisella, ogni tanto mi viene in mente questa tua più grande incoraggiamento mai ricevuto!
Nonna Gisella, ogni tanto mi viene in mente questa tua più grande incoraggiamento mai ricevuto!
giovedì 24 ottobre 2013
mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013
You BLOW, BLOW, BLOW, BLOW, BLOW your fuse
When you fall in looooove!!!
martedì 8 ottobre 2013
Le masse vogliono apparire anticonformiste, e questo significa che l'anticonformismo deve essere prodotto per le masse.
Andy Warhol
lunedì 30 settembre 2013
The Royal Command is one of the biggest and most imporant events for the British Royal Family. It is a musical show, a benefit event aimed to collect funds. It is held in London and the Royal Family is the main audience. Performers are the biggest artists of the moment and in 1968 the Supremes were the top guests.
When they sang the song titled Somewhere (where there is a monologue by Diana Ross), the 3 ladies took the chance to hold a brave speech and Diana started saying:
I've not many occasions to talk in front of powerful people like tonight. As you can see, I'm black, you are white. I'm singing and you're listening to and when it's all done, we'll leave the room together. There are some places in this world, including my Country, the USA, where black and white people don't have the same rights, they can't even exit the same door. I'd like you to think about that while you're going home tonight.
Silent fell and someone started clapping hands, and then an other one, and again...more and more...
Shortly all the audience stood up for a 2-minute standing ovation. At the end of the concert, the Mother Queen received the Supremes. This was a small step to change things because knowledge and consciousness is the first step to improvement.
Bear all in mind those words and let's think about all kind of discriminations we still have today in our society!
lunedì 9 settembre 2013
giovedì 5 settembre 2013
When I was 18, I was living one of the darkest moments in my life.
My father took me and said: "Be independent! Face any kind of difficulty and be brave: independence is the real way to be free"!

These words are so deep inside of me!
Make experience.
Experience means knowledge.
Knowledge means ideas.
Have your own ideas and think different if necessary!
That's what FREEDOM is for me: being independent!
venerdì 2 agosto 2013
mercoledì 31 luglio 2013
I need a raincoat,
to let all the negativities fall down,
it shoul be waterproof,
to avoid to be affected...
that's why I'm going to tattoo a panther on my arm,
the feline able to swim...
swim or sink...
it's a daily choice!
lunedì 29 luglio 2013
I suggest you to see Iron Jawed Angels (Angeli d'Acciaio in Italian), a great movie I've seen last Saturday and which moved me a lot! The cast is amazing and tells the story of Alice Paul (New Jersey, 11th Jan 1885 - 9th July 1977), who pushed for women's voting rights and led the Suffragist movement in the early '900!
At first, she was a member of the National American Woman Suffrage Association but then Alice left to form the more militant Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage (group later renamed the National Woman's Party).
Known for using provocative visual media to make their point, and known as the "Silent Sentinels", the NWP members picketed the White House under the Woodrow Wilson administration in 1917, making them the first group to take such action. Alice was jailed in October and November of that year as a result of the protests.
She was placed in solitary confinement for two weeks and began a hunger strike. Doctors brutally forced a tube into her nose and down her throat, pouring liquids into her stomach three times a day for three weeks. Despite the pain and illness this caused, Alice refused to end the hunger strike.
Thanks to a spy, newspapers across the country ran articles about the suffragists' jail conditions and forced feedings. This news angered many Americans and the goverment released all the suffragists on November 27th and 28th, 1917.
Two years later (!!) women won the right to vote with the 19th Amendment in 1920.
Until she was debilitated by a stroke in 1974, passing away in 1977, Alice Paul continued her fight for women’s rights. A woman's work is never done!
I never doubted that equal rights was the right direction. Most reforms, most problems are complicated. But to me there is nothing complicated about ordinary equality.
Alice S. Paul
giovedì 25 luglio 2013
I love the movie titled "PROFONDO ROSSO" by Dario Argento, mainly because the audience makes the same protagonist's mistake.
Sight is selective and emotional: you only see what you want to.
mercoledì 24 luglio 2013
martedì 23 luglio 2013
AMY JADE WINEHOUSE (London 14th September 1983 – London 23rd July 2011)
I feel lucky because I had the chance to see one of the biggest singers the world has ever seen!
Her voice was impressive: that thin lady was amazing!

A real singer, a real artist!
Her soul was fragile as much as her voice was huge!
lunedì 22 luglio 2013
venerdì 19 luglio 2013
mercoledì 17 luglio 2013
Mr. Calderoli...shame on you!!! Respect the diversity, respect women, respect all the human rights! Shame on you, little man!!
Mr. Calderoli and all the stupid people who voted for you: shame on you all!!! You don't even deserve the honour and the intelligence to remember (or even know) that few years ago (not so many) Italians were considered "Orangutans"!!
US comic strips against Italians (late '800 - early '900)
lunedì 1 luglio 2013
venerdì 28 giugno 2013
Quanto può durare un momento, Maurizio?
Time is subjective...
when you live a difficult moment, or changes, or something's a moment...
but how does "a moment" last?
venerdì 21 giugno 2013
"E' tutto sedimentato sotto il chiacchiericcio e il rumore, il silenzio, il sentimento, l'emozione e la paura, gli sparuti incostanti sprazzi di bellezza e poi lo squallore disgraziato e l'uomo miserabile"
“Io non volevo solo partecipare alla feste, io volevo avere il potere di farle fallire"
"Finisce tutto così, con la morte. Prima però c'era la vita, nascosta dal bla bla bla..."
"So' belli i trenini delle feste, so' belli perchè non vanno da nessuna parte!"
"È così triste essere bravi, si rischia di diventare abili"
"La povertà non si racconta, si vive!"
Dal film La Grande Bellezza di Paolo Sorrentino. Somma poesia!
“Io non volevo solo partecipare alla feste, io volevo avere il potere di farle fallire"
"Finisce tutto così, con la morte. Prima però c'era la vita, nascosta dal bla bla bla..."
"So' belli i trenini delle feste, so' belli perchè non vanno da nessuna parte!"
"È così triste essere bravi, si rischia di diventare abili"
"La povertà non si racconta, si vive!"
Dal film La Grande Bellezza di Paolo Sorrentino. Somma poesia!
giovedì 13 giugno 2013
mercoledì 12 giugno 2013
Abolished planty of time ago, Slavery is still current in some areas of the world such as China, Africa and East India and most of them are CHILDREN!
Everybody has a golden ring, a cotton t-shirt, everybody drinks a coffee...
Have you ever thought about how many slaves are needed to support your life style?
giovedì 6 giugno 2013
I hate categories. I hate categorizing. Sometimes it's instinctive. It's always wrong.
I feel admiration for those who are open-minded and never judge on the basis of social class, job, political views, etc. A person is a person, with a story behind, with a past inside.
And that's why I'm angry when the truth is not searched, when the efforts are aimed to cover it, rather than to bring it to light and I'm angry when all that counts is the CASTE you belong to!!
Stefano Cucchi was a victim of a dirty abuse of power! Exonerate POLICE when the evidence of violence after his arrest was clear, made him die twice!
I feel admiration for those who are open-minded and never judge on the basis of social class, job, political views, etc. A person is a person, with a story behind, with a past inside.
And that's why I'm angry when the truth is not searched, when the efforts are aimed to cover it, rather than to bring it to light and I'm angry when all that counts is the CASTE you belong to!!
Stefano Cucchi was a victim of a dirty abuse of power! Exonerate POLICE when the evidence of violence after his arrest was clear, made him die twice!
giovedì 23 maggio 2013
Le parole di Gesù sono sovversive,
indomabili, rivoluzionarie: soffocano nelle sagrestie e respirano sui marciapiedi.
Don Andrea Gallo - un prete da marciapiede
(Genova, 18 luglio 1928 - Genova, 22 maggio 2013)
Grazie Don Gallo, per avermi ed averci insegnato cos'è l'AMORE!
mercoledì 15 maggio 2013
You can't shake that paranoia, come move me, move me
Dancing like Madonna into the groovy
Shake that paranoia, come move me, move me
Dancing like Madonna into the groovy
Dancing like Madonna into the groovy
Shake that paranoia, come move me, move me
Dancing like Madonna into the groovy
(Apollo 440 - Stop The Rock)
lunedì 13 maggio 2013
lunedì 6 maggio 2013
lunedì 29 aprile 2013
There are thousand ways to understand where the truth rests, where the real beauty is, where the joy stands.
Have you ever seen Into The Wild? Thousand kilometres, thousand thoughts, thousands attempts before understanding and forgiving his parents: this was Chris McCandless' story.
And this is OUR story. And the final conclusion is that...
Have you ever seen Into The Wild? Thousand kilometres, thousand thoughts, thousands attempts before understanding and forgiving his parents: this was Chris McCandless' story.
And this is OUR story. And the final conclusion is that...
mercoledì 24 aprile 2013
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